Vinh Long Footwear Co., LTD tends to image of friendly- environment factory. Our company got the certificate
of Environmental Management System based on criteria of ISO 14001:2004. We guarantee to control working process
not to violate environmental standards.
Our company built local sewage treatment system before discharging to centralized sewage treatment system of industrial zone. Besides, Vinh Long Footwear Company also equips local sewage treatment system for steam boilers. Hazardous wastes are classified, collected, transported and treated by functional units.
The image before and after treatment
Local sewage treatment system treats 1200 tons of sewage per day.
Vinh Long Footwear Company keeps on methods to reduce negative impact to environment. Our company realizes the importance of environment to factory and human life. Our operation activities not only ensure good quality but also protect environment.
Our company thinks that we have responsibility to not only employees but also residents adjacent to factory. Vinh Long Footwear Company has attempted to celebrate widen socialized programs such as: “Let’s act for Green-Clean- Beautiful Environment” This program contributed to increase awareness of employees and local resident in Hoa Phu Industrial Zone. It also received positive feedback from employees particularly the participation of more than 100 employees working at factories. At the opening ceremony, staffs and employees organized clearing bush, collecting garbage, cleaning at the area in front of the company gate and around the industrial park.
This activity brings many benefits of protecting environment to keep beautiful scenery at workplace and enhance employee’s health.
Let’s act for Green-Clean- Beautiful Environment
Call out attention to protecting environment and become a green factory in the Industrial Zone, Vinh Long Footwear Company has been installing solar energy system. Almost electricity is originated from fossil fuel like coal and natural petroleum gas. Refining and using fossil fuel is so wasteful and harmful for environment. By using solar energy, Vinh Long Footwear Company can reduce the dependence on fossil fuel and use one of the most reasonable and plentiful source of energy: solar energy. Producing electricity by solar energy instead of fossil fuel dramatically reduces green-house gas emission especially CO2.
Vinh Long Footwear Company installs solar energy system to protect environment